Thursday, October 13, 2011

Loving... WHAT!?

Somewhere during the thousand things I did at work yesterday, I heard a song on my pandora playlist with lyrics along the lines of "keep loving everything you've ever loved", and I should have stopped right then and there to gather the title/lyrics/artist/ANYTHING to help me identify this song... but obviously I didn't. And obviously I've spent the better part of my day fruitlessly scouring the internet for some trace of this song, but alas I feel as though it must have been IMAGINARY.

But that hasn't stopped me from pondering the subject: Where does love go?

How often have you looked back at your life and been honestly shocked by the things you once loved? I look back at the people I admired and obsessed over in middle school and I can't help but chuckle heartily. It's sort of a byproduct of the evolving human condition that we are going to look back at the things we once thought of as important and roll our eyes. How quickly our hearts change from some degree of love to some degree of anger/disdain/hurt/hate... And why? What is the purpose? I don't want to fall into the trap of convincing myself that something was a mistake because of a messy ending. In fact, I think this is something I do quite well given the time and distance I need to clear my head.

Loving the things you've always loved doesn't necessarily mean making room for them in every stage of your life. Actively contacting a former flame just to reassure them that YOU STILL LOVE THE PERSON THEY ONCE WERE/THE THINGS YOU LEARNED/YOUR RELATIONSHIP AS IT ONCE EXISTED is cause for concern. Sometimes it's just time to move forward & expired relationships are a casualty of that progress.

But hearts are infinite. There is an ever expanding area in which to file your meaningful experiences. And I am learning that I don't have to stop loving the things that changed me just because they no longer deserve my love. This next part is going to sound cheesy, but it has been said over & over again because it has never stopped being true:

Every experiences teaches you something,
you trade equal parts of love & pain,
laughter & tears,
confusion & elation,

& you get CHARACTER from it.

So rock on, characters. & Know I'll keep on lovin' you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is my greatest hope that thinking, searching for, knowing, wanting, fighting with and LOVING love is not one of those things that dies with age. I do fear it sometimes though. Just as scrupulous as were taught to be in our long division--perhaps this relationship with love is just another illusion of our 20s and 30s. A dark and a light day for me my dear. :) Thank you for the inspiring thoughts.
