Monday, April 26, 2010

i'm very much aware

& I'll try not to rely, try not to rely on the perfect line.
And I see no boundaries except for the ones I'm in.
& I don't expect you to overcome them, for that's my job description.

Look at this and try not to smile.

Life's dandy. I'm gonna work my butt off for finals, gonna get me some baller grades AND THEN answer the ocean that's been callin' my name since last summer. I can't wait. I'm currently restraining myself from spouting out a few paragraphs of cliche prose inspired by the ocean, suffice it to say that I neeeeddd the beach, mmkayy?

I wish everyone were open-minded. Believe in something. Yes, believe. But please let's live and let live. Let's make this world a better place for our having lived in it. Study everything. Form educated opinions and share them respectfully with each other. Don't use your beliefs as weapons with which to injure other people. Just don't. Try a smile instead.

You're on my list. Don't cross that line.

Alrightyroo. Time to get down & dirty on this paper.


1 comment:

  1. Once an hour, I light the flower and burn baby burn.

    Lauren, are you becoming a pothead? Tsktsk, childlike wildlife.
